
Showing posts from October, 2020

First Virtual Assembly!

 This Friday (October 23rd) we had our FIRST EVER Keeler virtual assembly! Each class connected onto the assembly through Team Meets.  We were still able to acknowledge the land, sing O Canada and honour presenting students with nominations.  This week's assembly focus was on the pillar of the Belonging. We discussed what Belonging is and how we can show Belonging. Ask your students about what they think Belonging means and how we show it at Keeler School!

Place Value

 This week, we have been looking at place value and taking a closer look at the meaning and value of each digit in a number. We also looked how different ways to represent a number (standard form, expanded form, word form). We did an activity where students had a large place value chart. They were then given a number and had to represent that number using base ten blocks. They then had to create a place value chart in their notebook and draw their base ten blocks. Finally, they wrote their number from standard form to expanded form. Below are a few examples:

Classroom Setup!

 We are so excited to be back to school despite all the changes. We know it is important for you to see your student's learning space and we are so excited to show you!  Below are pictures from all three grade 4/5 classes. Check them out and let us know if you have any questions! ROOM 18 ROOM 19 ROOM 20