
Showing posts from March, 2021

Thursday, March 25th Recap!

"We put a newspaper article in order using the inverted triangle" - Tymon and Miya "In math, we continued our dream house design and we calculated the perimeter and area" - Lencho and Jayreme "We made headlines for The City of Ember" - Grace Some headlines we came up with for a newspaper article about The City of Ember  

Tuesday, March 23rd Recap!

 "We learnt about safety with electricity" - O'Ryan "In math, we continued designing our house and finding the perimeter" - Jayreme "I learned the definition for source" - Jenelson "I learned how to make electricity" - Liberty "We learned what natural resources are in Alberta" - Lencho "We learned about the different types of electricity" - Miya "We learned how to put a news article into an inverted triangle" - Lexie and Mustafa

Monday, March 22nd Recap!

 "We learned the definitions of words in electricity and magnetism" - Ethan and Ifeoma "We finished The Book of Ember" - Jayreme "We are starting to make a blueprint for our dream houses" - Emmanuel "We used perimeter and area to make our house blueprint" - Karman "We listened to poems and poetry books for National Poetry Day" - Omar "We learned to put important things first in our newspaper article" - Mohammad Science Vocabulary Activity!

Thursday, March 18th Recap!!

 "We named our settlement and had to explain why we chose that name" - Grace "We learned about how important names are" - O'Ryan "We learned about journalism" - Karman "How journalists write stories" - Jayreme "You have to put the truth when writing a newspaper article" - Ifeoma "You have to write the person's name you are quoting" - Omar "We reviewed perimeter and area" - Claire

Wednesday, March 17th Recap :D

 "We learned how to draw upside down" - Liberty "We learned units of measurements" - Elizabeth "We learnt about newspapers" - Mohamad "We learned how to do contour drawing" - Bea-Marie and O'Ryan "In math, we were measuring perimeter and area" - Omar "We learned about perseverance" - Mustafa We measured things around the classroom using different units of measurement. We learned what specific things each unit of measurement measures" - Karman and Ifeoma We learned how to draw upside down. We chose what picture to draw upside down. It taught us perseverance" - Vyvyan and Bea-Marie

Spring Equinox


Tuesday, March 16th RECAP :D

 "We learned math in Minecraft" - Karman "We learned the X, Y, Z coordinates in Minecraft" - Bea-Marie "We did our O.W.I in our literacy centres" - Jayreme "An OWI is when we look at a picture and we Observe, Wonder, and Infer" - Emmanuel and Omar Becoming experts at the Minecraft Education Edition! It was important for students to learn how to use Minecraft Education Edition as we will be using it in class. One of the things we will be using it for is the social studies project. They will be able to build their settlements into the world and create NPCs (Non Player Characters) to relay facts and information about their settlement! We learned how to incorporate writing and math into the games we love. Perseverance and team work were just a few skills we practiced today!

Thursday, March 11th Recap!

 "We presented our Google Slides presentations" - Miya "We learned about all about villages, urban, cities, towns and we learnt how they live and how they work" - O'Ryan "We learned about the fur trade"- Karman "We learned about animals" - Liberty "How to trap animals and how they take the fur off the animals, the different traps they use" - Mustafa "We sketched our hand" - Jayreme "I learned how to use traps and about hamlets and that they are small" - Omar "We learned about the traps they use for different types of animals" - Grace

Wednesday, March 10th Recap!

 "We learned about how chemical change works" - O'Ryan and Miya "We worked on our Google Slides presentation" - Karman "In math, we learned about perimeter and area" - Elizabeth "I learned a lot about hamlets" - Omar "I learned that if you put carbon dioxide in a balloon and squeeze it all the gas will disappear" - Sher and Claire Our chemical change science experiment!

Tuesday, March 9th Recap!

"We learned measurements" - Miya "We learned about perimeter and area" - Jayreme "We learned about longitude and latitude" - Sher "How to do a Google Slides" - Mustafa "Where in Canada we want to set our property up"- Mohamad  "Ms. Chinea, we don't need to use anything to measure. The floor has squares on it!" - Omar "The 2 half tiles combined make 1" - Claire

Monday, March 8th Recap!

 "Surface tension science experiment" - Karman "How to use Google Slides" - Tymon and Ifeoma "Reviews of 2D and 3D shapes and probability" - Elizabeth "City, town, village, hamlet" - Mohamad Surface tension science experiment